About Me
My Name
My last name is Zhang (张), one of the oldest Chinese surnames. My first name is Tao (涛), meaning ‘tide’ in English.
Growth Experience
- I’m born in Sui County, Henan Province.
- My father is a high school history teacher, so I also have great interest in history, especially Chinese history.
- My father is also a calligrapher and writes a beautiful hand. I admire him but, unfortunately, my handwriting is ugly.
- My mother graduated from high school but was unable to continue her education in college due to poverty. But she is very smart and has a strong memory.
- I have a younger brother who is smarter than me and also an undergraduate at Zhejiang University.
- I have a beautiful wife, and we have been classmates since high school.
Learning Experience
- I was enrolled in Zhejiang University through College Entrance Examination in 2016.
- I majored in Civil Engineering in my first college year and transferred to Automation due to my lack of interest in Civil Engineering. I never regret that.
- I’ve built a self-balance robot – Cubli, the representative work in my undergraduate, which could maintain balance on its edge.

- I like playing badminton and taking photographs.
- I like playing Switch games. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.